Thursday, February 02, 2006

hi! happy february! hope 2006 has started well for you. most of you know our main updates, but just in case you don't
-My dad: He is doing REALLY well. He is taking chemo pills now which have seemed to agree with him. He gets tired, but not like other people do. And he doesn't feel sick, which as most you know is the worst part about chemo. He was supposed to start chemo through a cathiter (sp?) in his chest, but results showed the pills were working really well and they figured they'd keep going with them. There's not a lot of other information - the cancer is still there but just how much it's "there" and what it's future plans are we don't know.
-We're enjoying Campbell, our work, and our church a lot!
-We'll be heading out to Spokane in March for Bart and Heather's wedding!
-Go Seahawks!


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